Welcome to St. Martin’s!
Hi and Welcome!
Need God? Looking for a Welcoming Church?
Want to celebrate your blessings and give thanks? Want to help make the world a better place?
Looking for hope? Need Help? Want friends? Questioning?
Seeking inspiration, Peace, and Beauty?
Whatever brought you here, we belive God is in your midst. Welcome!
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Episcopal 101
Starts this Sunday March 9th 11:45 - 1 pm.
Are you new to the Episcopal Church?
Have you been an Episcopalian forever and still wondering what it all means?
What makes Episcopalians tick?
How and when did our tradition begin?
What makes Episcopalians unique?
Who’s the Boss?
Is Bible King? Or is there other stuff?
You are welcome to attend even if you have not signed up. Please come prepared to answer this question: What is one question I really want to ask about The Episcopal Church or Christianity in general? You will have a chance to share it publicly with the whole class or you can give it to me on a sheet of paper and we will try and address your question over the four weeks.
Remember to bring your Bible, pen, writing pad, and lunch. We are excited to begin this adventure of learning and conversation with you.
With my prayers and peace,
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